Shota Adamashvili - Country Tour 2023!


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Shota Adamashvili - Country Tour 2023!

(eng below)
Shota grįžta į Lietuvą!Shota Adamashvili, dainininkas iš mažo Bolnisio miestelio Sakartvele, savo muzikos karjerą pradėjo 2009 metais. Populiarumo savo šalyje Shota sulaukė per dalyvavimą įvairiose TV laidose, vienoje kurių – The Voice of Georgia 2013 – jis pateko į ketvirtfinalį. 2021 metais jis laimėjo dvi International Country Music Award Texas apdovanojimų kategorijas: Sounds Virtual Rising Star Of The Year bei. Producer’s Choice.2022 metais Shota išleido savo debiutinį EP „A Lot More to Say“.Shota atliekama kantri muzika persmelkta nostalgiška autentika ir nepaliekanti abejingų klausytojų tarpe!

>> Durys atsidaro 17 val.
>>>Koncertas prasideda 19 val.
>>>>>Nemokamas įėjimas

Shota is back in Lithuania!Shota Adamashvili, a singer from a small city of Bolnisi in Georgia, started his music journey in 2009. He gained local popularity with his participation in various TV shows, in one of which – The Voice of Georgia 2013 – he made it to the quarterfinals. In 2021 he won two nominations of the International Country Music Awards in Texas: the Sound Virtual Rising Star of the Year and Producer‘s Choice.
In 2022 Shota released his debut EP „A Lot More to Say“.Shota‘s music, full of nostalgic authenticity, is bound to bring joy and positivity to all who listen!

>>Door open at 17h.
>>>Concert starts at 19h.


Registrations are closed
Date & Time
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
7:00 PM 9:00 PM (Europe/Vilnius) Add to Calendar

Dūmų fabrikas, VšĮ

Dūmų g. 5
Vilnius 09303
+370 610 66137
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Dūmų fabrikas, VšĮ

+370 610 66137

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